Kern River Fly Fishers Member Photos - Page 5

Here are some more photos from Club Members from several of the meetings, projects and outings.  Click on the pictures for a larger version.  Enjoy!

June 2006 Meeting Pics - Salt Water Fly Tying Demonstration
Salt Water Fly Tying Demonstration Club Member Demonstration Salt Water Fly Tying Club Members Before the June Meeting

Various Photos from Club Members' Trips

Cresent Meadow Cresent Meadow
Cresent Meadow Owens River

Various Outing Pics for May 2006

Rain is no deterant to a good fishing trip
Float tubin in the rain Lake Ming
Club Membe Landing a Backyard Hawg Mammoth Pools

Club Members volunteer with several outdoor organizations.
Here as some pictures from JAKES & Women in the Outdoors 2006 events

Women in the Outdoors - Float Tube Fishing Women in the Outdoors - Fly Fishing Lessons
Women in the Outdoors - Kayak Lessons Women in the Outdoors - Kayak Lessons
JAKES JAKES - Fly Tying Lesson JAKES - Fly Tying Lesson

May 2006 Speaker - Bill Stallings

Applegate River Oregon Rogue River

Various Pictures

KRFF Club Booth at Sportsman's Show KRFF Member demonstrating Fly Tying at Sportsman Show
Women in the Outdoors Fly Tying

April 2006 Speaker, Al Kyte, giving casting help before the club meeting.

AK1.jpg (30937 bytes) AK2.jpg (21735 bytes) AK3.jpg (28314 bytes)

Casting Practice and Lunch at Hart Park

Casting Practice in Hart Park Casting Practice in Hart Park Casting Practice in Hart Park

Jack Dennis came to Bakersfield and worked with members at a casting clinic, fly tying demonstation and discussed various topics at a Brunch in March of 2006.

Jack Dennis with club member during casting clinic Jack Dennis with club members during casting clinic Jack Dennis Talking with Club Members during a break in the Fly Tying Demonstration
Brunch with Jack Dennis Brunch with Jack Dennis Brunch with Jack Dennis

Club members work on the Trout in the Classroom Project every year.

Club Members Delivering Fish Eggs to a Local Area High School Closeup of Trout Fish Eggs being delivered to a local area high school
Trout in the Classroom Students
Club Member giving casting instructions during Trout in the Classroom outing Club Member giving Trout in the Classroom student instruction on casting

Various Member Trip Photos